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The GLOBE Group
The GLOBE Group was founded in 1986. Since then our focus has been on developing, producing, advising and sales of air motors, gas boosters, high pressure test equipment and systems.
Within the GLOBE group you will find two specializations. The focus of GLOBE Airmotors is mainly on the sales of the air motors while for GLOBE Test Equipment the focus is mainly on the sales of the high pressure test equipment and &ndash;systems.
In 2012 we added a German Establishment to the GLOBE group, something we are very proud of. Beside the German establishment, we use a worldwide distributor network to sell our products. As specialists we keep close contact with our customers, establishments and distributors. A positive business atmosphere and excellent service and quality, are very important for us.
As a team of experts with lots of experience, we are here to help you with all your questions about air motors, high pressure equipment and &ndash;systems and everything that is related to this matter. A big benefit is that we have our own production department. Because of this, we do not just exactly know what we sell, we can also provide customization for all our products.
The GLOBE group has a high standard when it comes to the quality of our products. Pneumatic drives are often applied in explosive atmospheres. That is why all our air motors, including the gearboxes, are ATEX certificated and all our products are ISO 9001 certificated.
To give you a clear view of what we offer, we provided a wide delivery program. Here you will find an overview of our product program.


      英格索蘭(紐約證券交易所代碼:IR) 通過創造舒適、可持續發展及高效的環境來全面改善生活質量。我們的員工和旗下品牌:Club Car&reg;、英格索蘭(Ingersoll Rand&reg;)、冷王(Thermo King&reg;)和特靈(Trane&reg;)共同致力于改善民用住宅和樓宇建筑的空氣品質及舒適度,運輸和保護食品及易腐品安全,并提高工業領域的生產率和效率。作為一個年銷售額逾130億美元的全球性公司,英格索蘭致力于建設一個持續進步、基業長青的世界。


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